Loius XV and The Golden Age of French Furniture Making

Regarded by many as the Golden Age of French furniture making, Louis XV’s reign as the King of France during the mid-eighteenth century was a time of unbridled peace and prosperity. Moreover, this period saw the emergence of the Siecle des Lumieres (Age of Enlightenment), which encouraged citizens in all walks of life to indulge […]

How Beautiful Lights Bring Life to Your Living Space

We all wish our living space to be uniquely beautiful. The interiors are of course an important part of any attractive house, but what makes the difference between attractive and outstanding interior decor is the lighting. Illumination if done properly can make your interiors look stylish and aesthetic as well. Carefully chosen light fittings can […]

A Guide to Different Types of Home Lighting

Every room in your home whether it may be your bedroom, living room or the dining room demands proper lighting. There are some of the rooms that need more light due to the décor of the room. This is why it is important to understand which room demands more lighting.

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